Serving the people of Sandhurst, Kent

Get In Touch

Julie Horan – Proper Officer


Telephone Number: 01580 850273

Councillors Emails


Office Opening Hours:

Tuesday: 10am to 12pm

Thursday: Closed

Councillors and Officers

Cllr Mark Griggs : Chairman

I moved to Sandhurst in 1997 with my wife Julie and two very young children. I was co-opted to the parish council in October 2019. My career in aviation started in 1985 working both at Gatwick and now at Heathrow. My interests include sports in general and gardening. I’m also particularly interested in the wine industry, especially those estates close by. I am very keen in making a contribution to village life, to bring residents together and to continue to work to make Sandhurst such a great place to live.

Cllr Christopher Robinson : Vice-Chairman

I was co-opted to the parish council in 2013. I applied to become a parish councillor because I was about to retire and I thought I would like to do something for the community into which I had moved in 2009. As a councillor I have had particular responsibility for oversight of the council's financial integrity, co-ordinating the local Community Speedwatch group and also for playgrounds. I hope to make a positive contribution to the council through my financial and managerial experience whilst pursuing our campaign for improved road safety in the village and attempting to ensure that the interests of villagers are adequately represented at borough and county levels. I was born in the city of Durham and have lived in Kent since 1986. My three children and six grandchildren live in Sevenoaks and Paignton. My interests include sailing, birdwatching, skiing, fell walking and gardening. In 2005 I left a full-time career in corporate finance, mainly in the software sector, following which I spent eight years as a freelance adviser helping different client companies overcome serious liquidity problems.

Cllr Adam Kerry

Lives in Sandhurst.

Cllr Katherine O'Neil M.B.E

I have lived in Sandhurst for over 5 years having moved with my husband from a village in North Yorkshire where for a number of years I was a member of the Parish Council initially as the clerk and later as a councillor. I have a degree in French and German and taught those subjects for a number of years to children and adults before turning to primary education where taught all levels of junior school. I have two children a son and daughter and four grandchildren. For most of my life I have been involved up to County level in the Girl Guide Association working with age groups from Brownies to adults. I still help with Brownies in Hurst Green and am a regular member of the congregation at St Nicholas’ Church in Sandhurst. Along with my husband we have a number of responsibilities related to the Village Magazine. As most people will know from my involvement in the village Platinum Jubilee and Coronation celebrations as well as my chairmanship of the Neighbourhood plan Steering Group, I do like to help out where I can.

Cllr Julie Griggs

Bio to follow

Cllr David Rogers

I was co-opted to the parish council in May 2020 because I have an interest in local governance and want to be able to contribute to the area where I live. This is the second time I have served on the parish council. I was a Parent Governor and Community Governor for Sandhurst Primary School for 14 years.

I work as a Chartered Building Surveyor and was involved in the extension to the Sports Pavilion and setting up the allotments.

I am interested in serving the whole community and believe it is important that any decision made is done so fairly and is open to scrutiny by the residents I represent.

Cllr Denis O'Neil

Bio to follow

Clerk, Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer: Julie Horan

Lives in Sandhurst

Allotment Vacancy

The allotments at Old Orchard are available to Sandhurst residents. There are two vacant plots, if you are interested in

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